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Connect Meet Alfred & Zapier

You can easily connect Meet Alfred with hundreds of other apps through our Zapier Integration.

Jessika Varela avatar
Written by Jessika Varela
Updated over a year ago

Depending on your Meet Alfred subscription, you'll be able to integrate third-party apps to streamline your outreach efforts.

First things first, you'll need to grab your special Zapier Key from your Meet Alfred account. Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Integrations' > 'Zapier'.

▶️ Want to see how it's done in action? Check out our video tutorial below for a step-by-step guide.

How It Works

  1. On Meet Alfred's Zapier integrations page, copy the special Zapier Key.

  2. Next, let's head over to Zapier.

  3. In your Zapier account, click on 'Apps' and select 'Add connection'.

  4. Search for "Alfred" in the search bar and choose it.

  5. Now, remember that API key you copied from Meet Alfred earlier? Paste it into the field provided.

  6. You can now go ahead and create a Zap using various triggers and actions between Meet Alfred and your preferred app. For example, when setting up a Meet Alfred campaign, you can easily import leads directly from your CRM using the 3rd party option.

If you want to explore all the amazing triggers and actions available with Zapier, be sure to visit and search for Alfred and the CRM you'd like to connect. There, you'll find a detailed list of all the things you can do.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer support team available 24/7 using the chat bubble on your screen, or email us at [email protected]. We're always happy to help! 😊

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